Animal Mammal Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
558🐵Monkey FaceU+1F435Face | Monkey
561🦧OrangutanU+1F9A7Ape | Orangutan
562🐶Dog FaceU+1F436Dog | Face | Pet
563🐕DogU+1F415Dog | Pet
564🦮Guide DogU+1F9AEAccessibility | Blind | Guide | Guide Dog
565🐕‍🦺Service DogU+1F415 U+200D U+1F9BAAccessibility | Assistance | Dog | Service
566🐩PoodleU+1F429Dog | Poodle
567🐺WolfU+1F43AFace | Wolf
568🦊FoxU+1F98AFace | Fox
569🦝RaccoonU+1F99DCurious | Raccoon | Sly
570🐱Cat FaceU+1F431Cat | Face | Pet
571🐈CatU+1F408Cat | Pet
572🐈‍⬛Black CatU+1F408 U+200D U+2B1BBlack | Cat | Unlucky
573🦁LionU+1F981Face | Leo | Lion | Zodiac
574🐯Tiger FaceU+1F42FFace | Tiger
577🐴Horse FaceU+1F434Face | Horse
578🫎MooseU+1FACEAnimal | Antlers | Elk | Mammal | Moose
579🫏DonkeyU+1FACFAnimal | Ass | Burro | Donkey | Mammal | Mule | Stubborn
580🐎HorseU+1F40EEquestrian | Horse | Racehorse | Racing
581🦄UnicornU+1F984Face | Unicorn
582🦓ZebraU+1F993Stripe | Zebra
584🦬BisonU+1F9ACBison | Buffalo | Herd | Wisent
585🐮Cow FaceU+1F42ECow | Face
586🐂OxU+1F402Bull | Ox | Taurus | Zodiac
587🐃Water BuffaloU+1F403Buffalo | Water
589🐷Pig FaceU+1F437Face | Pig
590🐖PigU+1F416Pig | Sow
591🐗BoarU+1F417Boar | Pig
592🐽Pig NoseU+1F43DFace | Nose | Pig
593🐏RamU+1F40FAries | Male | Ram | Sheep | Zodiac
594🐑EweU+1F411Ewe | Female | Sheep
595🐐GoatU+1F410Capricorn | Goat | Zodiac
596🐪CamelU+1F42ACamel | Dromedary | Hump
597🐫Two-hump CamelU+1F42BBactrian | Camel | Hump | Two-hump Camel
598🦙LlamaU+1F999Alpaca | Guanaco | Llama | Vicuña | Wool
599🦒GiraffeU+1F992Giraffe | Spots
601🦣MammothU+1F9A3Extinction | Large | Mammoth | Tusk | Woolly
603🦛HippopotamusU+1F99BHippo | Hippopotamus
604🐭Mouse FaceU+1F42DFace | Mouse
607🐹HamsterU+1F439Face | Hamster | Pet
608🐰Rabbit FaceU+1F430Bunny | Face | Pet | Rabbit
609🐇RabbitU+1F407Bunny | Pet | Rabbit
610🐿ChipmunkU+1F43FChipmunk | Squirrel
611🦫BeaverU+1F9ABBeaver | Dam
612🦔HedgehogU+1F994Hedgehog | Spiny
613🦇BatU+1F987Bat | Vampire
614🐻BearU+1F43BBear | Face
615🐻‍❄️Polar BearU+1F43B U+200D U+2744 U+FE0FArctic | Bear | Polar Bear | White
616🐨KoalaU+1F428Face | Koala | Marsupial
617🐼PandaU+1F43CFace | Panda
618🦥SlothU+1F9A5Lazy | Sloth | Slow
619🦦OtterU+1F9A6Fishing | Otter | Playful
620🦨SkunkU+1F9A8Skunk | Stink
621🦘KangarooU+1F998Joey | Jump | Kangaroo | Marsupial
622🦡BadgerU+1F9A1Badger | Honey Badger | Pester
623🐾Paw PrintsU+1F43EFeet | Paw | Paw Prints | Print

Animal Bird Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
624🦃TurkeyU+1F983Bird | Turkey
625🐔ChickenU+1F414Bird | Chicken
626🐓RoosterU+1F413Bird | Rooster
627🐣Hatching ChickU+1F423Baby | Bird | Chick | Hatching
628🐤Baby ChickU+1F424Baby | Bird | Chick
629🐥Front-facing Baby ChickU+1F425Baby | Bird | Chick | Front-facing Baby Chick
631🐧PenguinU+1F427Bird | Penguin
632🕊DoveU+1F54ABird | Dove | Fly | Peace
633🦅EagleU+1F985Bird | Eagle
634🦆DuckU+1F986Bird | Duck
635🦢SwanU+1F9A2Bird | Cygnet | Swan | Ugly Duckling
636🦉OwlU+1F989Bird | Owl | Wise
637🦤DodoU+1F9A4Dodo | Extinction | Large | Mauritius
638🪶FeatherU+1FAB6Bird | Feather | Flight | Light | Plumage
639🦩FlamingoU+1F9A9Flamboyant | Flamingo | Tropical
640🦚PeacockU+1F99ABird | Ostentatious | Peacock | Peahen | Proud
641🦜ParrotU+1F99CBird | Parrot | Pirate | Talk
642🪽WingU+1FABDAngelic | Aviation | Bird | Flying | Mythology | Wing
643🐦‍⬛Black BirdU+1F426 U+200D U+2B1BBird | Black | Crow | Raven | Rook
644🪿GooseU+1FABFBird | Fowl | Goose | Honk | Silly
645🐦‍🔥PhoenixU+1F426 U+200D U+1F525Fantasy | Firebird | Phoenix | Rebirth | Reincarnation

Animal Amphibian Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
646🐸FrogU+1F438Face | Frog

Animal Reptile Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
648🐢TurtleU+1F422Terrapin | Tortoise | Turtle
649🦎LizardU+1F98ELizard | Reptile
650🐍SnakeU+1F40DBearer | Ophiuchus | Serpent | Snake | Zodiac
651🐲Dragon FaceU+1F432Dragon | Face | Fairy Tale
652🐉DragonU+1F409Dragon | Fairy Tale
653🦕SauropodU+1F995Brachiosaurus | Brontosaurus | Diplodocus | Sauropod
654🦖T-RexU+1F996T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus Rex

Animal Marine Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
655🐳Spouting WhaleU+1F433Face | Spouting | Whale
657🐬DolphinU+1F42CDolphin | Flipper
658🦭SealU+1F9ADSea Lion | Seal
659🐟FishU+1F41FFish | Pisces | Zodiac
660🐠Tropical FishU+1F420Fish | Tropical
661🐡BlowfishU+1F421Blowfish | Fish
662🦈SharkU+1F988Fish | Shark
664🐚Spiral ShellU+1F41AShell | Spiral
665🪸CoralU+1FAB8Coral | Ocean | Reef
666🪼JellyfishU+1FABCBurn | Invertebrate | Jelly | Jellyfish | Marine | Ouch | Stinger

Animal Bug Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
668🦋ButterflyU+1F98BButterfly | Insect | Pretty
669🐛BugU+1F41BBug | Insect
670🐜AntU+1F41CAnt | Insect
671🐝HoneybeeU+1F41DBee | Honeybee | Insect
672🪲BeetleU+1FAB2Beetle | Bug | Insect
673🐞Lady BeetleU+1F41EBeetle | Insect | Lady Beetle | Ladybird | Ladybug
674🦗CricketU+1F997Cricket | Grasshopper | Orthoptera
675🪳CockroachU+1FAB3Cockroach | Insect | Pest | Roach
676🕷SpiderU+1F577Insect | Spider
677🕸Spider WebU+1F578Spider | Web
678🦂ScorpionU+1F982Scorpio | Scorpio | Scorpion | Zodiac
679🦟MosquitoU+1F99FDisease | Fever | Malaria | Mosquito | Pest | Virus
680🪰FlyU+1FAB0Disease | Fly | Maggot | Pest | Rotting
681🪱WormU+1FAB1Annelid | Earthworm | Parasite | Worm
682🦠MicrobeU+1F9A0Amoeba | Bacteria | Microbe | Virus

Plant Flower Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
683💐BouquetU+1F490Bouquet | Flower
684🌸Cherry BlossomU+1F338Blossom | Cherry | Flower
685💮White FlowerU+1F4AEFlower | White Flower
686🪷LotusU+1FAB7Buddhism | Flower | Hinduism | Lotus | Purity
687🏵RosetteU+1F3F5Plant | Rosette
688🌹RoseU+1F339Flower | Rose
689🥀Wilted FlowerU+1F940Flower | Wilted
690🌺HibiscusU+1F33AFlower | Hibiscus
691🌻SunflowerU+1F33BFlower | Sun | Sunflower
692🌼BlossomU+1F33CBlossom | Flower
693🌷TulipU+1F337Flower | Tulip
694🪻HyacinthU+1FABBBluebonnet | Flower | Hyacinth | Lavender | Lupine | Snapdragon

Other Plant Emojis

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
695🌱SeedlingU+1F331Seedling | Young
696🪴Potted PlantU+1FAB4Boring | Grow | House | Nurturing | Plant | Potted Plant | Useless
697🌲Evergreen TreeU+1F332Evergreen Tree | Tree
698🌳Deciduous TreeU+1F333Deciduous | Shedding | Tree
699🌴Palm TreeU+1F334Palm | Tree
700🌵CactusU+1F335Cactus | Plant
701🌾Sheaf Of RiceU+1F33EEar | Grain | Rice | Sheaf Of Rice
702🌿HerbU+1F33FHerb | Leaf
703ShamrockU+2618Plant | Shamrock
704🍀Four Leaf CloverU+1F3404 | Clover | Four | Four-leaf Clover | Leaf
705🍁Maple LeafU+1F341Falling | Leaf | Maple
706🍂Fallen LeafU+1F342Fallen Leaf | Falling | Leaf
707🍃Leaf Fluttering In WindU+1F343Blow | Flutter | Leaf | Leaf Fluttering In Wind | Wind
708🪹Empty NestU+1FAB9Empty Nest | Nesting
709🪺Nest With EggsU+1FABANest With Eggs | Nesting
710🍄MushroomU+1F344Mushroom | Toadstool