Animal Bird Emojis and Their Meanings

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Animal Bird Emojis and Their Meanings! Emojis have become an essential part of our daily communication, adding emotion and personality to our messages. Among these, animal and bird emojis hold special significance, each symbolizing unique traits, emotions, or cultural references. Whether you’re curious about the symbolism behind the 🦉 owl or wondering when to use the 🦜 parrot, this page will explore the fascinating world of animal bird emojis, uncovering their meanings and how to use them effectively in your digital conversations.

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
624🦃TurkeyU+1F983Bird | Turkey
625🐔ChickenU+1F414Bird | Chicken
626🐓RoosterU+1F413Bird | Rooster
627🐣Hatching ChickU+1F423Baby | Bird | Chick | Hatching
628🐤Baby ChickU+1F424Baby | Bird | Chick
629🐥Front-facing Baby ChickU+1F425Baby | Bird | Chick | Front-facing Baby Chick
631🐧PenguinU+1F427Bird | Penguin
632🕊DoveU+1F54ABird | Dove | Fly | Peace
633🦅EagleU+1F985Bird | Eagle
634🦆DuckU+1F986Bird | Duck
635🦢SwanU+1F9A2Bird | Cygnet | Swan | Ugly Duckling
636🦉OwlU+1F989Bird | Owl | Wise
637🦤DodoU+1F9A4Dodo | Extinction | Large | Mauritius
638🪶FeatherU+1FAB6Bird | Feather | Flight | Light | Plumage
639🦩FlamingoU+1F9A9Flamboyant | Flamingo | Tropical
640🦚PeacockU+1F99ABird | Ostentatious | Peacock | Peahen | Proud
641🦜ParrotU+1F99CBird | Parrot | Pirate | Talk
642🪽WingU+1FABDAngelic | Aviation | Bird | Flying | Mythology | Wing
643🐦‍⬛Black BirdU+1F426 U+200D U+2B1BBird | Black | Crow | Raven | Rook
644🪿GooseU+1FABFBird | Fowl | Goose | Honk | Silly
645🐦‍🔥PhoenixU+1F426 U+200D U+1F525Fantasy | Firebird | Phoenix | Rebirth | Reincarnation