Animal Mammal Emojis and Their Meanings

Discover the fascinating world of animal mammal emojis and their meanings! From playful monkeys to majestic lions, each emoji represents a unique mammal with its own symbolism and cultural significance. Whether you’re curious about the hidden messages behind your favorite animal emojis or looking to use them creatively in your messages, this guide will help you decode and understand these popular icons in a fun and engaging way.

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
558🐵Monkey FaceU+1F435Face | Monkey
561🦧OrangutanU+1F9A7Ape | Orangutan
562🐶Dog FaceU+1F436Dog | Face | Pet
563🐕DogU+1F415Dog | Pet
564🦮Guide DogU+1F9AEAccessibility | Blind | Guide | Guide Dog
565🐕‍🦺Service DogU+1F415 U+200D U+1F9BAAccessibility | Assistance | Dog | Service
566🐩PoodleU+1F429Dog | Poodle
567🐺WolfU+1F43AFace | Wolf
568🦊FoxU+1F98AFace | Fox
569🦝RaccoonU+1F99DCurious | Raccoon | Sly
570🐱Cat FaceU+1F431Cat | Face | Pet
571🐈CatU+1F408Cat | Pet
572🐈‍⬛Black CatU+1F408 U+200D U+2B1BBlack | Cat | Unlucky
573🦁LionU+1F981Face | Leo | Lion | Zodiac
574🐯Tiger FaceU+1F42FFace | Tiger
577🐴Horse FaceU+1F434Face | Horse
578🫎MooseU+1FACEAnimal | Antlers | Elk | Mammal | Moose
579🫏DonkeyU+1FACFAnimal | Ass | Burro | Donkey | Mammal | Mule | Stubborn
580🐎HorseU+1F40EEquestrian | Horse | Racehorse | Racing
581🦄UnicornU+1F984Face | Unicorn
582🦓ZebraU+1F993Stripe | Zebra
584🦬BisonU+1F9ACBison | Buffalo | Herd | Wisent
585🐮Cow FaceU+1F42ECow | Face
586🐂OxU+1F402Bull | Ox | Taurus | Zodiac
587🐃Water BuffaloU+1F403Buffalo | Water
589🐷Pig FaceU+1F437Face | Pig
590🐖PigU+1F416Pig | Sow
591🐗BoarU+1F417Boar | Pig
592🐽Pig NoseU+1F43DFace | Nose | Pig
593🐏RamU+1F40FAries | Male | Ram | Sheep | Zodiac
594🐑EweU+1F411Ewe | Female | Sheep
595🐐GoatU+1F410Capricorn | Goat | Zodiac
596🐪CamelU+1F42ACamel | Dromedary | Hump
597🐫Two-hump CamelU+1F42BBactrian | Camel | Hump | Two-hump Camel
598🦙LlamaU+1F999Alpaca | Guanaco | Llama | Vicuña | Wool
599🦒GiraffeU+1F992Giraffe | Spots
601🦣MammothU+1F9A3Extinction | Large | Mammoth | Tusk | Woolly
603🦛HippopotamusU+1F99BHippo | Hippopotamus
604🐭Mouse FaceU+1F42DFace | Mouse
607🐹HamsterU+1F439Face | Hamster | Pet
608🐰Rabbit FaceU+1F430Bunny | Face | Pet | Rabbit
609🐇RabbitU+1F407Bunny | Pet | Rabbit
610🐿ChipmunkU+1F43FChipmunk | Squirrel
611🦫BeaverU+1F9ABBeaver | Dam
612🦔HedgehogU+1F994Hedgehog | Spiny
613🦇BatU+1F987Bat | Vampire
614🐻BearU+1F43BBear | Face
615🐻‍❄️Polar BearU+1F43B U+200D U+2744 U+FE0FArctic | Bear | Polar Bear | White
616🐨KoalaU+1F428Face | Koala | Marsupial
617🐼PandaU+1F43CFace | Panda
618🦥SlothU+1F9A5Lazy | Sloth | Slow
619🦦OtterU+1F9A6Fishing | Otter | Playful
620🦨SkunkU+1F9A8Skunk | Stink
621🦘KangarooU+1F998Joey | Jump | Kangaroo | Marsupial
622🦡BadgerU+1F9A1Badger | Honey Badger | Pester
623🐾Paw PrintsU+1F43EFeet | Paw | Paw Prints | Print