Hand Fingers Partial Emojis and Their Meanings

Hand fingers partial emojis are a unique and expressive way to communicate feelings, actions, and reactions in digital conversations. From the simple thumbs-up to the more complex hand gestures, these emojis add a touch of personality and clarity to your messages. This guide explores the various hand fingers partial emojis, explaining their meanings and providing tips on how to use them effectively in your texts. Whether you’re looking to express approval, greet someone, or share a high-five, understanding these emojis will enhance your digital communication.

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
180👌OK HandU+1F44CHand | OK
181🤌Pinched FingersU+1F90CFingers | Hand Gesture | Interrogation | Pinched | Sarcastic
182🤏Pinching HandU+1F90FPinching Hand | Small Amount
183Victory HandU+270CHand | V | Victory
184🤞Crossed FingersU+1F91ECross | Crossed Fingers | Finger | Hand | Luck
185🫰Hand With Index Finger And Thumb CrossedU+1FAF0Expensive | Hand With Index Finger And Thumb Crossed | Heart | Love | Money | Snap
186🤟Love-you GestureU+1F91FHand | Ily | Love-you Gesture
187🤘Sign Of The HornsU+1F918Finger | Hand | Horns | Rock-On | Sign Of The Horns
188🤙Call Me HandU+1F919Call | Call Me Hand | Hand | Hang Loose | Shaka