Face Tongue Emojis and Their Meanings

The Face Tongue emojis offer a playful and expressive collection that embodies a spectrum of emotions, often associated with humor, irreverence, and indulgence. From the delightful “Face Savoring Food” to the mischievous “Winking Face with Tongue,” each emoji conveys a distinct sense of whimsy and playfulness, inviting users to engage in light-hearted banter and convey a range of cheeky sentiments. Whether it’s the eccentricity of the “Zany Face” or the cheeky humor of the “Squinting Face with Tongue,” these emojis serve as digital tools for injecting levity and spontaneity into our conversations, offering a playful way to express ourselves in the digital sphere.

#EmojisCLDR Short NameUnicodeOther Keywords
24😋Face Savoring FoodU+1F60BDelicious | Face | Face Savoring Food | Savouring | Smile | Yum
25😛Face With TongueU+1F61BFace | Face With Tongue | Tongue
26😜Winking Face With TongueU+1F61CEye | Face | Joke | Tongue | Wink | Winking Face With Tongue
27🤪Zany FaceU+1F92AEye | Goofy | Large | Small | Zany Face
28😝Squinting Face With TongueU+1F61DEye | Face | Horrible | Squinting Face With Tongue | Taste | Tongue
29🤑Money-mouth FaceU+1F911Face | Money | Money-mouth Face | Mouth